Monday, October 10, 2016

20 Social Media Influencers Every Hospitality Professional Should Follow

social media influencers hospitality

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and thankfully these thought leaders are quick to share their tips and tricks on how to get ahead in the world of hospitality. These 20, follow-worthy social media influencers are highly engaged, limitless resources that are quick to share helpful content to help you succeed and grow your business.

Meetings & Events

  1. @tojulius
    Julian Solaris, Editor of The Event Manager Blog, always has the low-down on attendance-worthy events and the newest event technology.
  2. @meetingsnet
    If you’re looking for thought-provoking articles and news related to all things meetings and events, look no further than MeetingsNet’s Twitter.
  3. @BizBash
    For the meeting and event planner who is never satisfied with the status quo, there is BizBash. Their Twitter account is a treasure trove of innovative and unconventional ideas for anyone in catering, planning, or experiential marketing.
  4. @socialtables
    Planners are some of the busiest people on earth. That’s why the Social Tables Twitter account serves up tweets to help you stay ahead of the competition, in 140 characters or less.
  5. @TahiraCreates
    Whether Tahira’s sharing her favorite new app or the latest eBook she’s read, her Twitter is worthy of a follow.  
  6. @denschaal
    If you’re looking for the latest travel news to hit the Twittersphere, look no further than Skift News Editor Dennis Schaal’s Twitter account.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
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  1. @gregoates
    For witticisms on all things travel, business events, and tourism development, you’ll want to follow Skift editor Greg Oates.
  2. @IssaJouaneh
    As the SVP and General Manager of American Express Meetings and Events, know that Issa Jouaneh shares a wealth of knowledge when it comes to planning global events.
  3. @JudiHoller
    A prolific public speaker and event emcee, Judi Holler offers a wealth of productivity, public speaking and personal branding tips
  4. @Penthouselord
    London-based Jason Allan Scott, self-proclaimed event expert, entrepreneur, and mentor, has a Twitter account that is sure to have something for anyone who is involved in the meetings or events industry.

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  1. @JosiahMackenzie
    ReviewPro’s Josiah Mackenzie lends nuggets of wisdom on his Twitter on how the travel and hospitality industry can improve the guest experience.
  2. @GlobalBTA
    The Global Business Travel Association is one of the largest authorities on travel who share re-tweet worthy, thought-provoking content on business travel and hospitality.  
  3. @MeetingsFocus
    Meetings Focus are the destination experts when it comes to all things related to the meetings and hospitality industry.
  4. @DanBerger
    Social Tables’ CEO Dan Berger has a follow-worthy Twitter for those that are looking to learn more about his favorite pieces of event technology, get a peek into the Social Tables’ office, or stay up to date on the biggest trends affecting the meetings and events industry.
  5. @SuccessfulMtgs
    Successful Meetings helps you do just that: host successful meetings. Their account doles out resources for meeting managers and buyers who are independent, corporate, or in an association.
  6. ‏@amexgbt
    American Express Global Business Travel is a must-follow for anyone looking for the latest on travel management-focused content.
  7. @meetingsmeanbiz
    Meetings Mean Business advocates for the value of meetings, conference, conventions, travel and exhibitions through a daily dose of content.
  8. @mpi
    Meeting Professionals International’s Twitter account reports on industry resources like webinars, blogs, and events geared towards meeting professionals.
  9. @PwC_LLP
    Consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers may seem like an odd addition to this list but their Twitter can inform hospitality professionals on topics that strike a global chord like innovation, data management, and strategy.
  10. @forrester
    Research firm Forrester lends helpful tips to business and technology leaders to help them develop their customer-centric strategies to drive growth.

Following the right accounts on Twitter is the key to curating news you can use. If you’re looking for tips to stay ahead of the hospitality curve, take it straight from the thought leaders themselves. By following their Twitter accounts you’ll learn about best practices and discover content resources that are sure to drive your business’s growth.

Did we miss a social media influencer off the list? Tweet it to us @socialtables!

The post 20 Social Media Influencers Every Hospitality Professional Should Follow appeared first on The Social Tables Blog.

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